21 Most Popular Purple Gemstones & Crystals:

I’ve more crystals than friends”!

And why not! Today’s world is full of turbulence, it is the purple crystals and gemstones which can bring you calm amidst the chaos! That’s what crystal healers say, “the only difference between a good day and a bad day is using the right crystal.” 

Purple gemstones not only carry potent healing powers, but they also dictate that you like something beyond the regular! If common colored gemstones like black, yellow, red, pink or orange  do not attract you, you certainly would love the enigmatic beauty of Amethyst or the lilac tones of Sugilite! 

So, get ready to explore the mystical world of 21 unique purple stones and crystals and pick one based on which way you want to heal your body!  

Purple Stones Meaning And Benefits

Purple Stones Meaning And Benefits

If you wonder what a purple stone meaning is, “Purple gemstones are a blend of passionate red and calming blue, which results in a soothing purple shade, and symbolize good fortune, prosperity, abundance and wealth.” 

They also have a deep profound meaning in the metaphysical world such as: 

  • Spirituality and wisdom: Often linked to spiritual awakening and inner knowledge, purple gemstones activate the Crown Chakra and help you attain enlightenment. 
  • Royalty and nobility: Historically, purple has been associated with royalty, which conveys a sense of grandeur, opulence, and honor. Wearing purple gemstones makes you feel regal and dignified.
  • Romance and passion: Purple is also associated with deep emotions, making it a choice for expressing love, passion, and devotion. ( Precisely the reason why purple gemstones engagement rings are always high-in demand) 
  • Physical healing: According to Dr Laura Neville, in naturopathy, purple gemstones are nature’s food to our 6/7th chakra, which is the third eye Chakra. That is why, they heal headaches, migraines, insomnia, respiratory issues, addictions and substance abuse, menstrual and hormonal Issues and nervous system disorders like epilepsy or neuropathy. Since they work on Pineal gland and Pituitary gland, they also reduce the intensity of depression and anxiety. 
Note: Purple gemstones and crystals have potential healing properties, but they are not a substitute for medical treatment. If you are experiencing physical ailments, consult with a medical expert. Purple gems are complementary tools for emotional support and holistic well-being, but they cannot not replace conventional medical care. 

List Of Purple Gemstones & Crystals

Here is a quick list of purple stone names which are best used in jewelry and crystal healing. 

Purple Gemstone Names Purple Crystals Names 
1. Amethyst
2. Purple Garnet
3. Purple Diamonds
4. Purple Sapphire
5. Tanzanite( Purple Zoisite)
6. Purple Apatite
7. Ametrine
8. Purple Tourmaline
9. Purple Spinel
10. Lavender Jade
11. Purple Chalcedony
12. Kunzite ( Purple Spodumene) 
1. Purple Agate
2. Purple Jasper
3. Sugilite
4. Lepidolite
5. Charoite
6. Purple Fluorite
7. Taaffeite
8. Purple Idocrase
9. Phosphosiderite 

21 Most Unique Purple Stones And Crystals 



If you celebrate your birthday in February, we’ve got a lucky charm for you! The most popular purple stone, Amethyst. Here are the physical attributes of this stunning purple beauty and you’ll know why we chose to keep it at no.1. 

Attributes: Amethyst is naturally purple and has been in use for more than 2000 years. It ranges from delicate lavender to deep purple hues and belongs to the quartz mineral family, making it a close relative of other quartz gems like citrine and smoky quartz. That’s why buyers often ask us whether Citrine is the same as heat-treated Amethyst.

Best quality of Amethyst comes from Rio Grande Sul in Brazil. At times, small amethyst crystals have also been found in agates in Southwestern Brazil, Uruguay, and Zambia. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 7; Amethyst is durable enough to be used in various jewelry designs. In fact, it is the most popular purple stone for which buyers ask for earrings and rings. 

Healing powers : Apart from its main power to prevent drunkenness, Amethyst alleviates stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. It cleanses and balances the crown chakra, which promotes spiritual growth and inner peace. It’s often used in meditation to unlock higher states of consciousness.

Since there is too much craze for this world’s most favorite purple stone, we did detailed comparisons on Amethyst vs Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst vs Tanzanite, Amethyst vs purple Sapphire. These quick reads are a must to learn in-depth about how to tell if Amethyst is real so that no one can fool you in name of this purple wonder! 

Fun fact: You know why Amethyst prevents drunkenness? When God of wine, Dionysus, fell in love with the nymph Amethys, she rejected him. But when he didn’t stop, goddess Artemis changed the nymph into a purple stone. Dionysus poured wine over her to revive her but it turned more purple. That was when Artemis gave power to Amethys to prevent intoxication- hence, Amethyst means ‘not drunk’.” 

Purple Garnet

Purple Garnet

You won’t believe how commonly buyers get confused between purple garnet vs Amethyst. But garnets are originally red in color, right? So now you know, if we’re talking about ‘Purple Garnet’, how rare this is! It is highly uncommon, truly precious and is also known by the name of ‘Rhodolite Garnet’. 

Attributes : Purple Garnet is a rare purple gemstone in vibrant purple color and is best for January born people! 

Like other garnets, Purple Garnet belongs to the garnet family, which includes a wide range of gemstones known for their diverse and vivid colors. Since garnets are originally red, they’re often considered an affordable substitute to the precious rubies. But, we’ve got a way to help you understand if you have a real garnet or not. 

Best deposits of Purple Garnet come from East Africa, Sri Lanka, and even the United States, specifically North Carolina. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: Purple Garnet is no pushover, with a Mohs hardness rating ranging from 6.5 to 7.5. This durability makes it suitable for various types of jewelry, looks best in earrings and necklaces. 

Healing benefits: While not typically associated with physical healing, Purple Garnet has a special knack for stimulating the heart chakra and igniting deep emotional connections. It kindles the heart chakra’s flame of love and passion and strengthens relationships.

Purple Diamonds

Purple Diamonds

Among all different varieties, purple diamonds are the rarest, after red diamonds! Just one out of 10,000 carats of mined diamonds come out to be purple diamonds! 

Clearly justifying why they come with hefty price tags and remain inaccessible to common buyers! But this does not mean you cannot enjoy the brilliance of diamonds. Check out our list of best diamond alternatives which has a list of really affordable diamond-like options! 

Attributes: Anyways, if we talk about its rarity, they’re only found in Argyle mine in Australia. Would you believe, only 12 carats of purple diamonds have been gained from the Argyle mine in the last 32 years!!! However, very few counted specimens have also been found in South Africa and in two mines in Russia! They also belong to the carbon mineral family, prized for their brilliance and durability.

Mohs Hardness Rank: With a hardness rating of 10, Purple Diamonds are among the hardest substances on Earth. If you can get your hands on one, make it a point to flaunt it everyday, without having to worry about any wear-and-tear! 

Healing powers: Although Purple Diamonds are not traditionally associated with physical healing, they enhance emotional well-being, inspiring a sense of luxury and social-status! They also promote self-worth, self-confidence, and an appreciation for life’s luxuries. 

Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire, also called ‘Khooni Neelam’ ( In India) is an expensive remedy to get rid of any kind of inferiority complex and regain confidence in life! We call it expensive, because it’s the rarest of the rare varieties of Sapphire. 

Attributes: Purple sapphires are also the members of the Corundum family, just like blue sapphires and rubies, and are found in a range of purple and violet shades, from delicate lavender to deep plums! 

This unique color is due to the presence of iron and titanium in their crystal structure. More vibrant and deeper the purple is, the harder it is to find and is more valuable. 

Most of the purple sapphires come from Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Out of these, the best quality purple sapphires hail from Madagascar

Mohs Hardness Rank: 9, an excellent choice for jewelry and daily wear. In fact, in terms of hardness and durability, they’re only second to diamonds  and are equally sought-after. 

Healing powersPurple Sapphires have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body. Not just that, they are very well known to strengthen veins and heal all kinds of blood-related disorders.

Tanzanite ( Purple Zoisite)

Tanzanite ( Purple Zoisite)

You know just like purple sapphire and garnet, buyers very commonly compare Tanzanite vs Amethyst due to this beautiful purple shade! Here you’ll learn how the two are a world apart from each other! 

Attributes: Firstly, it is the birthstone of the December borns and suits Saggaitarius the best. It has very unique blue-violet hues and is a recent discovery in the world of jewelry trade. 

It is a member of the zoisite mineral family and the name “Tanzanite” is a nod to its primary source, Tanzania. Specifically, it’s found in the Merelani Hills near Mount Kilimanjaro. This single-source origin adds to its allure and rarity.

Mohs Hardness Rank: 6.5 to 7; Tanzanite is most commonly worn as bracelets and pendants but should be worn with care to avoid scratching. 

Healing powers: Tanzanite is the painless solution to all those costly skin-treatments and hair-botox! If you use it correctly, it can cure all of your skin and hair related issues. Apart from these, it also has the power to heal anxiety and tension. Closely associated with the throat chakra, it is also very useful for improving communication and self-expression.

Purple Apatite

Purple Apatite

A very powerful stone for students, scholars and researchers, Purple Apatite helps you concentrate deeply and helps gain the answers you’ ve been looking for! Also, it is very widely used by crystal practitioners for clairvoyance, or clairaudience, which means communicating with dimensions of the parallel world ! 

Attributes: Apatite belongs to the phosphate mineral family and purple Apatite is one of its rarer varieties. It is  found worldwide across Brazil, Myanmar, Mexico, and the United States. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 5; Purple Apatite is relatively soft, making it ideal for use in jewelry pieces, but not for daily wear. So, it is best used as a crystal. 

Healing power: Apart from the unique benefits mentioned above, Purple Apatite has the power to heal emotional stress and anxiety. It’s associated with the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought and emotional balance. Since it is linked to the third eye and throat chakras, it stimulates creativity, and improves focus. 



Ametrine is the unique combination of Amethyst and Citrine, as the name hints and is also fondly known as the ‘stone of divine connection’. With the most unique breathtaking appearance, it has the warm, sunny hues of citrine and the serene violet shades of amethyst. 

It is the best purple gemstone to overcome procrastination, lethargy, and make decisions faster. An excellent stone for Astral travel and deep meditation, it can heal genetic headaches, cure depression and  instill positive energy in abundance.

Attributes: Ametrine belongs to the quartz mineral family and the best source of Ametrine is the Anahí Mine in Bolivia, which has been producing this remarkable gem for centuries. Out of all Ametrine varieties, Bolivian Ametrine is celebrated for its stunning color transitions and unique metaphysical properties. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 7 ; a relatively hard gemstone. 

Healing powers: Along with the benefits mentioned above, Ametrine is primarily associated with the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras. The Solar Plexus Chakra governs personal power, confidence, and self-worth, while the Crown Chakra is the gateway to higher consciousness.

Purple Tourmaline

Purple Tourmaline

Purple Tourmaline’s history goes back to Atlantis where it was considered sacred and symbolized royalty. Also called ‘Siberite’, it is a potent purple stone of manifestation which can help you fulfill all your desires and connect with divine intelligence. That is why it is also known as the ‘stone of self-mastery’. 

Attributes: Tourmaline is a boron silicate mineral, and Purple Tourmaline falls within this family. It’s known for its wide range of colors, like black tourmaline and green tourmaline. Out of all varieties, the purple variety is very rare and is most commonly obtained from Brazil, Mozambique, and Afghanistan. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: Purple Tourmaline is durable enough with a Mohs hardness rating of 7 to 7.5. So, you can wear it daily as jewelry without a worry.

Healing Powers: Purple Tourmaline heals the nervous system. It relieves nervous tension and soothes the nerves. It resonates mainly with the crown and third eye chakras and promotes emotional balance and self-compassion.

Purple Spinel

Purple Spinel

If you often feel very low on energy, your stamina is low and often feel a lack of energy, wearing purple spinel is the best gemstone for you! Since it will boost your stamina, you’ll also feel great improvement in memorizing things on a daily basis and will be able to fight forgetfulness! 

Attributes: Spinel is an oxide mineral, and Purple Spinel falls within this category. It’s known for its wide spectrum of colors like yellow, black, pink, white, and this purple rare variety is commonly found in regions such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: Purple Spinel ranks at 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, which is why it is durable and suitable for jewelry. 

Healing Powers: Like told above, Purple Spinel boosts energy levels, reduces fatigue, and enhances overall well-being. It is often associated with the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, which encourages a zest for life and can help alleviate feelings of exhaustion. 

Lavender Jade

Lavender Jade

Jade is naturally green in color, that is why it is often compared as Jade vs emerald but here, we have the purple variety, which is very rare! In fact, Lavender Jade is the second most expensive stone after Imperial Jade. 

Lavender Jade has the unique power of protecting the human aura. It is the only Jade variety which can connect you with Kwan Yin, the fierce power called the Bodhisattva of compassion. It is the ‘fire’ element in FengShui, which is a symbol of love, peace, good relations and hope. 

Attributes: It belongs to the silicate family and the most well-known sources of Lavender Jade are Myanmar, China, and Russia. Burmese Lavender Jade, in particular, is highly prized for its vibrant color.

Mohs Hardness Rank: Lavender Jade has a Mohs hardness rating of around 6.5 to 7, which indicates it is moderately durable. 

Healing Properties: Lavender Jade helps you find inner peace and soothe emotional wounds. Lavender Jade also supports the heart, helping with cardiac and circulatory issues. Linked to the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and emotional healing, it allows you to receive  greater love and empathy in life.

Purple Chalcedony

Purple Chalcedony

If you have been traumatized by deep seated anger in your heart which has been killing you on the inside, use Purple Chalcedony either as jewelry or in meditation to experience openness, generosity, brotherhood and benevolence. 

It is also exceptionally good for people with weak eyesight and issues related to spleen, gallbladder, blood and vitamin deficiencies. 

Attributes: Chalcedony is a variety of quartz and belongs to the same mineral family. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and is known for its wide range of colors and varieties like yellow, red, pink, black, blue, brown, green, white and orange. 

It was originally discovered by farmers while preparing their fields for the planting season. It is found in abundance in West Java island and a few other parts of Indonesia. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 6.5 to 7; it is moderately durable, so used in jewelry with care.

Healing Properties: Purple Chalcedony is the stone of tranquility and inner peace. Linked to the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression, it helps people reduce social anxiety 

Kunzite ( Purple Spodumene )

Kunzite ( Purple Spodumene )

The name Kunzite, or Purple Spodumene, is a humble tribute to George Fredrick Kunz, the legendary gemologist for Tiffany & Co, world’s most famous jewelry house! 

Kunzite is one of the most beautiful purple gemstones with a perfect cleavage! It is the representative of Yin-Yang in your heart and saves the wearer from panic attacks. 

Tip: Do not keep in direct sunlight, otherwise it’s beautiful purple color will start to fade away. Precisely the reason why it is called the ‘evening stone’. Do not keep Kunzite in your bedroom at night since it glows in the dark and can release lots of overwhelming energy. 

Attributes: Kunzite is an aluminum inosilicate mineral and its hues range from light to medium pinks with purple tones. For the first time, it was found in Pala region, California in 1902, with some traces in Connecticut. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 6.5 to 7; durable enough for jewelry with proper care.

Healing Properties: As emphasized above, Kunzite heals the heart! It is believed to promote overall cardiovascular health and lung function and primarily aligns with the heart chakra. 

Purple Crystals ( favorites of Crystal healers) 

Purple Agate

Purple Agate

Purple Agate is a very unique purple gemstone with uniquely-patterned bands of white and purple color. Purple agates don’t occur naturally; they’re color-dyed for color enhancement. So, ensure you buy from a trusted resource only. 

Attributes: Agate belongs to the chalcedony family, which is a type of quartz and comes not in purple color but also in red, yellow, orange, black, pink, white and blue. It is primarily composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) and is found in Brazil, Uruguay, India, and the USA. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: 6.5 to 7; It’s a rough-and-tough choice for jewelry.

Healing benefits: Associated with balance and harmony, Purple Agate is a symbol of emotional stability and well-being. It also aids in good blood circulation, reduces fevers, and relieves symptoms of epilepsy

Purple Jasper

 Purple Jasper

Jasper is commonly red in color, but it also comes in various shades of purple, with slight hints of red color. If you keep it near your bedside, you’re sure to sleep like a baby and enjoy sweet dreams.

Attributes: Jasper is a type of chalcedony, just like Agate and is primarily composed of silicon dioxide. Notable deposits of Purple Jasper can be found in India, Madagascar, Australia, and the United States.

Mohs Hardness Rank: 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale; which is why it is used both for jewelry and crystal healing. 

Healing benefits: Associated with nurturing and grounding energies, Purple Jasper promotes strength and vitality, and aids in the healing of the kidneys, spleen, and stomach.



Sugilite is a rare and radiant purple crystal, which with its rich and deep energy, can be your mentor for self-love. 

Attributes: It has beautiful pink-to-purple hues, and is typically opaque or translucent in nature. It is a rare mineral that belongs to the cyclosilicate family and consists of potassium, sodium, iron, lithium, and manganese, along with aluminum and oxygen. To trace its origins, it is best found in regions like South Africa, Japan, and Canada.

Mohs Hardness Rank: Sugilite ranks around 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. Mostly, customers like to style in beads, bracelets, or we carve it in cabochons, but since it is soft in nature, it is best reserved for occasional use. 

Healing benefits: Sugilite can potentially heal headaches and discomfort related to nerves. It is a powerful stone for spiritual growth, psychic protection and enhancing self-love. 



Lepidolite typically displays a delicate shade of purple, which ranges from pale lavender to deeper violet. It also often features mica-like sparkles due to its high lithium content.

Attributes: It is a member of the mica group and is a potassium lithium aluminum silicate hydroxide fluoride. This rare mineral can be found with major deposits in Brazil, Madagascar, the United States, and Russia.

Mohs Hardness Rank: 2.5 to 4 ; relatively soft compared to other gemstones. So, it is used mostly for crystal healing and lesser as jewelry. 

Healing benefits: Associated with serenity and emotional balance, Lepidolite aids in the release of old traumas, emotional wounds and helps to calm turbulent emotions. That is why, it is commonly recommended to alleviate insomnia.



A very rare Purple crystal, Charoite has the powerful energy to cleanse all your higher chakras at once- the third eye chakra, crown chakra and heart chakra– getting you ready to receive all the positive energy and transformation. 

Attributes: Charoite is classified as a complex silicate mineral and exhibits a striking lavender to purple hue with swirls of white, black, and/or green. It is composed of potassium, sodium, calcium, and barium silicate hydroxide, with some trace elements like strontium. Being highly rare in nature, Charoite is found predominantly in the Chara River region of Siberia, Russia.

Mohs Hardness Rank: 5 to 6 ; moderate hardness. It’s a heat-sensitive crystal, so we recommend you reserve it for occasional wear only. 

Healing benefits: Charoite helps individuals overcome obstacles and find their life’s purpose. If you believe in it, it will assist you in navigating change and personal growth.

Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite is the unique purple crystal which is devoted to the part of your mind which can speak to spirits! Crystal healers tell, meditating with purple fluorite can help keep bad dreams and evil thought patterns at bay! 

Attributes: Purple Fluorite ranges from pale lavender to deep violet, which makes beautiful and translucent crystals.

Fluorite is part of the halide mineral group and is primarily composed of calcium and fluorine, with color variations like yellow, green, gray, black, white and blue. To trace its origins, it is most commonly found in China, the United States, Russia, and Mexico.

Mohs Hardness Rank: Fluorite ranks at 4 on the Mohs scale, which indicates low to moderate hardness. It’s mostly used as a crystal in meditation practices. 

Healing benefits: A symbol of balance and harmony, Purple Fluorite is associated with mental clarity, focus, and organization. It enhances mental acuity and concentration. Some people also use it for emotional healing and balance.



A beloved mauve-colored member of the purple crystal family, Taaffeite has properties of both purple and pink gemstones. While it works very well to enhance wisdom and promote spiritual growth, it also works to bring love and compassion as a pink gemstone.

Attributes: Taaffeite, a member of the beryl family and shares its lineage with iconic gemstones like emerald and aquamarine. 

Chemically, it is composed of beryllium aluminum oxide, which is the reason for its unparalleled brilliance and radiance and is renowned for its captivating lavender, pink, and violet shades. Its purple variety, in particular, is a true rarity and originally, it was discovered in the gem-rich land of Myanmar

Mohs Hardness Rank: 7.5 and 8; Taaffeite is both uniquely beautiful and durable. Precisely the reason why it looks eye-candy when styled in rings and earrings. 

Healing benefits: Taaffeite speaks for spiritual growth and enlightenment and inspires a sense of serenity and inner peace. Metaphysically, it enhances intuition and psychic abilities and brings a deep sense of calm in the heart. 

Purple Idocrase ( Vesuvianite)

Purple Idocrase ( Vesuvianite)

If you ever feel a prisoner of your negative thoughts, have been struggling to break through but haven’t been able to, the positive energy of Purple Idocrase, or Vesuvianite can greatly help dissolve the feeling of anger and resentment. 

Attributes: Purple Idocrase, is the heart’s companion! It also comes in green to purple and even brown color, but its purple variety is the most famous and soothing shade. 

A member of the silicate mineral family, Idocrase resonates with the earth’s elemental energy and comprises of calcium aluminum silicate. Best variety of Idocrase is found in Quebec, Canada and Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, but some traces are also found in the USA.

Mohs Hardness Rank: With a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5, Purple Idocrase is durable enough for daily wear. But, handle it with care to prevent scratches.

Healing benefits: If you give your heart to it, Purple Idocrase can be your steadfast companion on the path to self-discovery. It activates the heart chakra which instills a deep sense of balance and inner harmony. 



In the world of healing, Phosphosiderite is fondly known as the jewel nugget of hope and healing. It contains lovely vibrations of healing which calms the body at every level- emotional, mental and physical. 

Attributes : Phosphosiderite stands out with its lovely lavender and purple hues and has a unique matte-finish! It feels very cool the moment you hold it. 

It belongs to the phosphate mineral family and is crafted from iron, phosphorus, and oxygen. Its best deposits are found in Chile, Germany, and the United States. 

Mohs Hardness Rank: With a Mohs hardness rating of 4.5 to 5, Phosphosiderite is softer than other gemstones but still holds its own in the world of healing crystals.

Healing benefits: Phosphosiderite represents emotional healing and a sanctuary of calm. Its soothing purple color helps release emotional blockages, instill self-compassion, and facilitate emotional healing. 

Final Word 

Now that you know these purple crystals can heal almost each part of your being, the best way to use them is keeping them close to your heart either as a piece of jewelry or keeping them under your pillow while you doze off into a peaceful sleep. If you regularly meditate with them, these purple stones can cleanse your aura deeply and heal all the chakras. 

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About Me

Hello! I am Suresh Garg. I have been a jeweler for 30 years now and run my retail store in New Delhi. Through this blog, I aim to share authentic jewelry tips and tricks in simple to understand language.